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Store credit card using Stripe + Parse with cloud code

I am attempting to store a users credit card into stripe. Once the token is made, I attempt to save the token with the user to Stripe as a customer. But I didnt find any answer to my problem, I just need to store a card to a user that already exist.

I tried to use the method Stripe.Customers.update but it store the new card removing the "default" card if the user had one. And using the method Stripe.Customers.create it create a new customer with the new card, but I need to store in specific user.

Cloud Code:

Parse.Cloud.define("stripeCreateCard", function(request,response)
                response.error("Error:" +error); 

Parse.Cloud.define("stripeUpdateCustomer", function(request, response) 
                response.error("Error:" +error); 

iOS Code:

class func getParamsForAddingCardToCustomer(custormerId: String, cardToken: String) -> NSDictionary {
        let params = NSMutableDictionary()

        params.setObject(["card" : cardToken], forKey: "data")
        params.setObject(custormerId, forKey: "customerId")

        return params

var params = ParamsHelper.getParamsForAddingCardToCustomer(stripeId, cardToken: token)

PFCloud.callFunctionInBackground("stripeCreateCard", withParameters: params as [NSObject : AnyObject]) {
        (response: AnyObject?, error: NSError?) -> Void in
        let responseString = response as? String

        if (error === nil) {
            println("Response: \(responseString) ")
        else if (error != nil) {
            println("Error: \(error) \(error!.userInfo)")

I have tried several parameters to store the card as I need, but I always got error 'Received unknown parameters'

Anyone got any ideas how to store a card without removing or creating new customer?


  • Parse's stripe implementation is not as complete as it could be. In many cases you must use an HTTPRequest to perform stripe functions that Parse does not offer.

    For those cases I use the following iOS method and CloudCode to execute all of my stripe HTTPRequests. It is very easy to code while following the stripe CURL API documentation. I then build off this method to perform most stripe tasks, IE create/update/delete customers, cards, charges etc.

    I start by feeding it a Method, ie GET, POST, DELETE depending on whether you want to retrieve, create/update, or remove a stripe object.

    I then feed it a combination of optional pre/suf/postfixes to create a url.

    Example URL created:

    enter image description here

    Finally I give it the parameters, in the instance of creating a card and adding it to a customer this would only need to be a dictionary containing the tokenID.

    +(void)executeStripeCloudCodeWithMethod:(NSString *)method
                                     prefix:(NSString *)prefix
                                     suffix:(NSString *)suffix
                                    postfix:(NSString *)postfix
                              secondPostfix:(NSString *)secondPostfix
                                 parameters:(NSDictionary *)params
        NSDictionary *parameters = @{@"method":method,
                                     @"params":params?params:[NSNull null]
        [PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:@"stripeHTTPRequest"
                                    block:^(id object, NSError *error) {
            id jsonObject;
            if (!error) {
                NSError *jsonError = nil;
                //Turn the json string into an NSDictionary
                jsonObject = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[object dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
                                                             options:kNilOptions error:&jsonError];

    The cloud code that is executed:

    var STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = 'sk_test_your_test_code_here';
    var STRIPE_API_BASE_URL = ''
    Parse.Cloud.define("stripeHTTPRequest", function(request, response) 
        //Check for valid pre/suf/postfixes, if they are not there do not include them.
        var prefix = request.params["prefix"];
        var suffix = "";
        var postfix = "";
        var secondPostfix = "";
        if (!isEmpty(request.params["suffix"])) suffix = '/'+request.params['suffix'];  
        if (!isEmpty(request.params["postfix"])) postfix = '/'+request.params['postfix'];   
        if (!isEmpty(request.params["secondPostfix"])) secondPostfix = '/'+request.params['secondPostfix'];
                method: request.params["method"],
                //Create URL from base url and pre/suf/postfixes
                url: 'https://'+STRIPE_API_BASE_URL + prefix + suffix + postfix + secondPostfix,
                headers: {
                    'Authorization': "Bearer " + STRIPE_SECRET_KEY
                success: function(httpResponse) 
                    //response text is a json dictionary
                error: function(httpResponse) 

    Using the method above I can create individual methods to perform most of the stripe tasks I need.

    Here is an example that will create a new card and attach it to a customer Stripe Card creation API

    + (void)createCardFromToken:(NSString *)tokenId customerId:(NSString *)customerId completionHandler:(ELCardCompletionBlock)handler
        [ELStripe executeStripeCloudCodeWithMethod:@"POST" //I use post here because we are creating a card. POST would also be used for updating a customer/card or refunding a charge for example
                                            prefix:@"customers" //If you look at the documentation and the example URL I use "customers" here as the prefix
                                            suffix:customerId //The customerID is the suffix, this will be the customer you are going to add the card to
                                           postfix:@"cards" //I believe this is "sources" now
                                     secondPostfix:nil //Not needed for this URL
                                                     @"card":tokenId  //Only parameter is a tokenId, and I wrap this inside an NSDictionary
                                 completionHandler:^(id jsonObject, NSError *error) {
                                     if (error)
                                         //Handle the error code here
                                     //If no error stripe returns a dictionary containing the card information. You can use this information to create a card object if so desired.
                                     handler([ELCard cardFromDictionary:jsonObject],error);