I'm trying to change the facet labels for an stl
decomposition plot like the following:
p <- autoplot(stl(AirPassengers, s.window = 'periodic'), ts.colour = "black", ts.size = 0.2)
The plot originates from the ggfortify package. I wish to change the facet labels to:
c("Original Data", "Seasonal component", "Trend component", "Remainder")
I've tried to get into the structure of a ggplot
(a lot of str
'ing), and found that the following stores these names:
# Factor w/ 4 levels "Data","seasonal",..: 1 1 1
However, when I change this factor in-place. I get four empty plots followed by the proper plots:
p$layers[[1]]$data$variable <- factor(p$layers[[1]]$data$variable,
labels=c("Original series", "Seasonal Component", "Trend component", "Remainder"))
How do I change the facet labels without getting these empty plots at the top?
One possibility is to change the relevant components of the plot object.
# generate plot data which can be rendered
g <- ggplot_build(p)
# inspect the object and find the relevant element to be changed
# str(g)
# perform desired changes
g$panel$layout$variable <- c("Original Data", "Seasonal component", "Trend component", "Remainder")
# build a grob and 'draw' it