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Build error after upgrade Azure SDK from 2.4 to 2.6

I just upgraded my web role project (and solution) from Azure SDK 2.4 to Azure SDK 2.6 using the upgrade functionality under project properties > application.

When I am building my application, everything works well but when I try to run it (and start up the Azure emulator and such) it gives the following error when I click "NO" if I want to proceeed with build errors:

unable to get setting value Parameter name: profileName

See build output: Build output

Nothing more. When I open my output I can not find anything related to this. It looks like the build is done successfully.

If I click "YES" VS serves a popup with this message:

Failed to debug the Microsoft Azure Cloud Service project. The output directory "D:\path\to\folder\src\project\csx\O" does not exist.

Maybe it has something to do with the emulator?

Can some one help? Much appreciated!


  • We also encountered this issue.

    It appears that even if the Service Configuration you've selected in the Run/Debug settings is say, Dev.Local - you need to have a service configuration called ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg or you'll encounter this precise error.

    At any case, once we created a cscfg called ServiceConfiguration.Local.cscfg this problem ceased, even though we were not referencing it.