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Assign min and max values to WKInterfaceSlider in code

I want to assign the minimum and maximum value forWKInterfaceSlider ( WatchKit ) in the Swift code, not through the interface because I will get new values ( prices ) from the server.

which won't always be the same. In my current code I receive an error when i use this command with the Double value, highestBid



Cannot invoke 'setValue' with an argument list of type '(Double)'.

import Foundation
import WatchKit
import UIKit

class slideViewController: WKInterfaceController {

@IBOutlet weak var lblPrice: WKInterfaceLabel!
@IBOutlet weak var slider: WKInterfaceSlider!
@IBOutlet weak var bidBtn: WKInterfaceButton!

@IBAction func sliderButton(value: Float) {

    var kavelPrice:Double = 6000
    var bidAmounts:Double = (kavelPrice / 100 * 2)
    var midPrice:Double = (bidAmounts * 5 )
    var highestBid:Double = (midPrice + kavelPrice)
    var lowestBid:Double = kavelPrice


    let roundedValue = Int(round(value))

 @IBAction func bidPrice() {




  • You cannot set the a minimum or maximum value for a WKInterfaceSlider in code. These values can only be set in interface builder. See the documentation for more details.