I'm fairly new to Angular and I have been porting a webform from Zurb's foundation and nasty JQuery to Angular. I'm attempting to load each section of my webform as a template, while still binding the fields to the scope.
The sections of the form are dynamically included from a json object which stores basic information about each section:
app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller 'MainCtrl', ($scope) ->
# pre-loaded form data
$scope.data =
vacation: false
sponsor: "sponsor name"
# details about different sections of the form
$scope.sections = [
name: "Principal Investigator"
details: "Please explain who you are and when you need funding."
formSection: "principal-investigator"
name: "Funding Opportunity"
details: "Please provide information about the funding opportunity to which you plan to apply."
formSection: "funding-opportunity"
# get the url for the section template
$scope.sectionUrl = ($index) ->
return $scope.sections[$index].formSection + '-section.html'
index.html body:
<form name="mainForm"
<div ng-repeat="section in sections track by $index">
<seperator ng-if="$index > 0"></seperator>
<div class="row">
<div class="large-4 medium-12 columns">
<div class="row">
<h4>{{ section.name }}</h4>
<div class="row">
<p>{{ section.details }}</p>
<p>{{ sectionUrl($index) }}</p>
<div class="large-8 medium-12 columns">
<div ng-include src="sectionUrl($index)"></div>
The first section works perfectly, as I enter into the input fields, the scope is updated and we can see it in a test element.
sample input from principal-investigator-section.jade:
| eRA Commons ID
small if Federal
The second section doesn't work at all. Nothing seems to bind. What am I doing wrong here?
sample input from funding-opportunity-section.jade
| Funding Opportunity
ng-model: 'data.funding_opportunity.details',
placeholder="Funding Opportunity")
I'm sure this is a rookie question as I'm fairly new to angular, but I've been working on this for a while and its starting to drive me nuts!
All of the additional pages including the included sections are available on the Plunker
A plunkr would be nice to actually test your code, but I noticed a typo in your example code:
ng-model: 'data.funding_opportunity.details',
should be
Check if it works by correcting the typo and otherwise please provide a working example