I am trying to integrate the $cordovaInstagram plugin of ngCordova in my service:
.factory('ShareInstagramFactory', function($cordovaInstagram, $q) {
var self = this;
// Options
var shareMessage = "Message";
// Instagram
self.shareInstagram = function(imageData) {
var qInstagram = $q.defer();
$cordovaInstagram.share(imageData, shareMessage).then(function() {
// Worked
}, function(err) {
// Didn't work
return qInstagram.promise;
return self;
However, I get the following issue
Error: $injector:unpr
Unknown Provider
All my other ngCordova plugins work as expected.
I think that there is an issue into that point. I have implemented yesturday the sharewith instagram and could not make it work with ngCordova function.
However, I made it work by using directly cordova plugin call :
Instagram.share(canvasId, shareMsg, function(err) {
Therefore, remove the ngCordova provider and replace your sharing functionnaly.