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How to initialize bootstrapSwitch()?

I am missing something simple, but can'T find it. In my MVC5 project, I want to use bootstrap-switch. This is what I've done:

BundleConfig.cs: added bootstrap-switch.css and bootstrap.switch.js as follows,

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstrap").Include(

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

(and made sure the files are at those locations).

Then, in a view I tried the following three checkboxes,

<input type="checkbox" class="switch" />
<input type="checkbox" class="switch" name="box" />
<input type="checkbox" 
    data-on-text="Option A"
    data-off-text="Option B"
    name="box2" />

and added, at the bottom of the view file,


But when I run the project, the checkbox looks like the standard checkbox (no CSS, or functions have been added).

I've read a lot of posts on this (my code follows verbatim), but can't find my mistake.


  • The problem was that if you include the js files in the bundle, it is rendered last on the page. Hence, if you use javascipt on your view that references a .js library loaded in the bundle, it does not work to put it at the end of the view file, rather render the scripts section,

    @section scripts{
            $(".indent-1").css("background", "green");

    This will then appear on the html file after the libraries are imported.