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DokuWiki Installation on Windows server 2003 using IIS problems

I am trying to install DokuWiki on a windows 2003 server and using IIS 7.2 and PHP 5. I have gone on to IIS and created a virtual directory that points to where I extracted DokuWiki, I have set up all the permissions for that folder ensuring that it has rwx on all folders and sub folders. The virtual directory has rwx permissions enabled. The first problem I had was that php reported a missing file which was PassHash.class.php which I just created the blank file but before I added that file the logs reported

[20-May-2015 10:36:51] PHP Warning:  require_once(C:\dokuwiki/inc/PassHash.class.php) [<a href='function.require-once'>function.require-once</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\dokuwiki\install.php on line 12

[20-May-2015 10:36:51] PHP Fatal error:  require_once() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required 'C:\dokuwiki/inc/PassHash.class.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in C:\dokuwiki\install.php on line 12

But once I added the blank file it displays this:

enter image description here

I am aware that it is a permissions issue but I don't know how to add the permissions to those directories or even where they are located. Also did anyone else have to create that blank file ? seems a little odd to me. Any help appreciated.

Regards, Luke


  • Browse to the dokuwiki/ directory and Check the properties of the data/ folder. Ensure that the Internet Guest Account(IUSR), the appropriate web server account or Server Group(IIS_IUSRS) has Folder level “Write” permissions to the data/ folder.

    Browse to the dokuwiki/ directory and Check the properties of the conf/ folder. Ensure that the Internet Guest Account(IUSR), the appropriate web server account or Server Group(IIS_IUSRS) has Folder level “Write” permissions to the conf/ folder.

    In IIS Manager left click the site name Click “Edit Permissions” in the Actions pane OR right click and choose “Edit Permissions” from the shortcut menu. Click the Security tab Click the Edit button Click the Add button Click the Locations button and choose the local server name Now type in IUSR and click OK, and OK again.

    After this, install.php should work.