I am doing a research project about data leakage in probe requests. As in these probe requests it is possible to see some SSIDs, I was wandering if it could be possible to locate them. For example, if I see WLAN_C11G I would like to be capable of knowing the coordinates where this AP is.
I know that I could do my own database of scanned SSIDs. However, I would like to know if there is some public database where I can find some AP-SSID geolocations.
Thank you in advance
What you are describing is known as Wi-Fi Positioning. The information on actual databases in the Wikipedia article may be dated, though.
For years the big name in the field was Skyhook http://www.skyhookwireless.com/submit-access-point
A serious concern about privacy has been raised a number of years ago http://www.zdnet.com/article/mobile-privacy-flap-take-two-starring-google-skyhook-gps-act/