I have already gone through various similar questions asked here on Stack Overflow and also on other blogs. Unfortunately, none of those solutions are resolving my issue.
After doing a lot of search & when I was not able to solve my issue, I decided to ask you all.
I will explain scenario briefly. I have already uploaded iOS application for beta testing on iTunes Connect. My app's current status in iTunes Connect is "Expired" as 30 days testing period is over. I did few source code modifications and I want to make this updated application available for testers. Therefore, I tried to upload new build version for the app.
What I did is -
Even though I did it properly, I am getting error as in below -
Can anyone of you please help me to understand where I might be doing mistake? Any help is appreciated.
Edit 1:
I tried to use build version 1.2/ 1.2.1 as well. Also I tried to upload a complete new app record in iTunes Connect with app version 2.0 and build version 2.1.0/ 210, but everytime got same error.
Edit 2:
My app's current status in iTunes Connect is "Expired". Will it matter while uploading new build version for same app? If yes, what could be the best solution for such issue?
Finally my issue got resolved. Along with modifying the Build version and keeping the Bundle version as it is, we need to check for few build settings whether they are set properly.
I was missing them and that is why I was not able to upload updated version of my application to iTunes Connect.
Please, refer below screen shot for these Build Setting.
You can find complete blog here - iOS 8 Beta testing with TestFlight
This helped me and I hope this will help few others.