I have installed boot2docker on Windows 7 and I have noticed that it is incredibly slow. I have tried on several machines with the same result - it takes a while to load and the worst part is the lag between typing and the characters actually appearing on screen is horrible - around 20-30 seconds! This makes boot2docker virtually impossible to use on windows.
I wonder if someone has come accross this problem and can see any solution?
It looks like the problem comes from the SSH client when running boot2docker ssh
. This SSH client is searched on the %PATH%
and on my system, by default, it was C:\Program Files (x86)\Git
. Like you reported, it is dramatically slow.
By the way, if you open a command-line and run directly ssh <boot2docker IP address>
to connect to the boot2docker VM, it is also very slow whereas using shell inside the Boot2docker VM itself is fine.
I don't know yet why this SSH client is slow BUT I've replaced it successfully by installing Cygwin (https://www.cygwin.com/) and overloading %PATH%
C:\> set PATH=C:\PrgFiles\cygwin64\bin;%PATH%
C:\> boot2docker ssh`
No more slowness.