I am using Morphia and a DAO Class. I have a Class with an Id ObjectId:
public class GeoProfileVo extends ResponseVo implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4975628041316056892L;
@Id private ObjectId id;
private String email;
private String name;
private String city;
//Getters, Setters and toString
public class GeoProfileDAO extends BasicDAO<GeoProfileVo, ObjectId>{
public GeoProfileDAO(Morphia morphia, MongoClient mongoClient, String db) {
super(mongoClient, morphia, db);
public GeoProfileVo findByNme(String name){
return getDs().find(GeoProfileVo.class, "name", name).get();
//Here is the problem
public GeoProfileVo findById (ObjectId id){
//return getDs().find(GeoProfileVo.class).field("id").equal(id).get();
return getDs().get(GeoProfileVo.class, id);
public ObjectId saveGeoProfile(GeoProfileVo geoProfileVo){
return (ObjectId) getDs().save(geoProfileVo).getId();
My Service:
public class GeolocationService implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2071937170723089158L;
/** The Constant log. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GeolocationService.class.getName());
private MongoClient mongoClient;
private GeoProfileDAO geoProfileDAO;
public GeolocationService(){
LOGGER.info("[GeolocationService - Constructor] - init");
mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost",27017);
Morphia morphia = new Morphia();
//morphia dao:
geoProfileDAO = new GeoProfileDAO(morphia, mongoClient, "mydb");
public GeoProfileVo updateGeoProfile(GeoProfileVo geoProfileVo) throws GeoProfileNotFoundException{
LOGGER.info("[GeolocationService - updateGeoProfile] - init");
long currentSystemTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
if(geoProfileVo == null){
LOGGER.error("[GeolocationService - updateGeoProfile] - geoProfileVo cannot be null");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if(geoProfileVo.getId() == null){
LOGGER.error("[GeolocationService - updateGeoProfile] - ID cannot be null");
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
GeoProfileVo geoProfileVoEntity = geoProfileDAO.findById(geoProfileVo.getId());
LOGGER.error("[GeolocationService - updateGeoProfile] - geoProfileVo not found in BD");
throw new GeoProfileNotFoundException();
LOGGER.debug("[GeolocationService - updateGeoProfile] - Finish Timing:"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-currentSystemTime));
return geoProfileDAO.updateGeoProfile(geoProfileVo);
I am able to search by email, name or city, insert a object in BD but I am not able to search by id. In google I only find information about a String id and I don´t find much information about id type ObjectId. when I try to find by the ObjectId Id, doesn´t find nothing and returns null.
For example, when I find by email, returns:
"id": {
"timestamp": 1432028968,
"machineIdentifier": 9913253,
"processIdentifier": 7516,
"counter": 8215016
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "john",
"city": "Madrid"
I call a WS that call a createGeoProfile Service with the same Object with the same id but in Eclipse IDE, the "id" is different in each call. Maybe the problem is here but I don´t understand it.
How do I find an object with id type ObjectId?
He solution was return a ObjectId.toString() when I insert a object in BD. I understand that this objectId is similar to a Hash, so when I want to find by Id, I cannot sent an ObjectId type because this ObjectId changes. For this reason, we must return a toString() (this part was that I didn´t undestand).
With this String, we instantiate an ObjectId that we use it for find by id:
public GeoProfileVo findById (String id){
ObjectId oid = new ObjectId(id);
return getDs().find(GeoProfileVo.class).field("id").equal(oid).get();
public String saveGeoProfile(GeoProfileVo geoProfileVo){
return getDs().save(geoProfileVo).getId().toString();
In the end, to avoid having an ObjectId type that I will not use it, I change the Id in my GeoProfileVo to type String.
@Id private String id;
Now, the response of FindById, contains the id in String type:
"id": "555c44e39743a5141c00d0a1",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "john",
"city": "Madrid"