I am using dygraphs for R https://rstudio.github.io/dygraphs/ and I am wondering is there a way to highlight closest series like it is done in original dygraphs? Demo gallery here: http://dygraphs.com/gallery/#g/highlighted-series
I am really unfamiliar with CSS nor HTML. Thanks for any help and advice.
If you just want to highlight the series below mouse cursor then you can use dyHighlight . Check: official R-dygraph website
It is a little more tricky to emphasize the name of the highlighted series in the legend. You need to edit the .highlight class in separate css file and add it to your graph with:
your_dygraph %>% dyCSS("dygraph.css")
Example of dygraph.css:
.highlight {
/*border: 2px solid black;*/
background-color: #B0B0B0; /* grey background*/