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ActiveMQ 5.1.1 WebSphere 8.5.5 Activation Spec configuration?

Thanks to Maarten I was able to get basic ActiveMQ JMS topics and connection factories working in WAS. He has a nice write up in his reply to this topic: ActiveMQ 5.11 with WebSphere Application Server 8.5

But I cannot find a way to define any ActiveMQ JMS Activation Specs in the WAS admin console. And of course I need those in order to trigger my MDBs. ActiveMQ simply doesn't show up as a JMS provider when creating a new AS.

How do I configure Activation Specs in WAS using ActiveMQ as the provider? Am I missing a jar file?

activemq-client-5.11.0.jar hawtbuf-1.11.jar slf4j-api-1.7.10.jar


  • If you want to use Activation specification, you need to install ActiveMQ as JCA 1.5 compliant resource adapter. As far as I know, ActiveMQ provides resource adapter as separate install.

    See also:

    Listener ports are stabilized, and should only be used if provider doesn't support JCA.