I am not so sure how to implement a model which can share its state between several requests. I mean a model which holds a set of data not only a model which describes how the data looks like.
An example would be a quizz or a survey where the user steps through a couple of questions and each question is requested via an next or prev route in a subcontroller where the response or selected value of the user would be stored in a model and only at the end saved (to a db or a file).
I can inject the model to the UfrontJSApplication, and have then access in every route in the controller but then my api doesn't know anything about it. I can't store it inside the api because it's recreated on every new request.
The idea is like this:
class SurveyController extends Controller {
@inject public var surveyApi:app.api.AsyncSurveyApi;
@inject public var surveyModel:SurveyModel; // injected into UfrontJsApplication
public function doNextQuestions(args: { index:Int } ) {
surveyModel.add(/*an item from the post vars*/);
return surveytApi.getNextQuestion(args.index) >> function(questionVO):ViewResult {
return new ViewResult(questionVO) );
//called after the last question via a button finish for example
public function doSaveSurvey() {
//save the entire model filled up by every doNextQuestion route
return surveytApi.save(/*can't pass my model here*/) >> function(message):RedirectResult {
return new RedirectResult(message) );
Any thoughts about this? Maybe a solution should be implemented completely differently?
P.S. Perhaps someone with at least 1500 reputation can create an 'ufront' tag ?
A few options...
Use a UFHttpSession. You might need to create one that works client side, but it could just be a very simple Map<String,Dynamic>
. You could save the half-finished survey to the session in-between requests.
Save the model to the server API on each request, in it's half finished state.
If you're going to keep with the building of the survey client-side, before sending to the survey, you have to make the SurveyModel
persist between requests. You could do this using dependency injection like you have, or just by keeping it in a static variable that you can access between requests. Either way you should be able to access the model in your doSaveSurvey()
function, and send it to the API with surveyApi.save(mySurvey)
If there's an issue with that, it would be good to see some code for what SurveyModel
and SurveyApi
look like, and what the error message is.