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not single-group grouping function while using regr_slope

HI I try to run :

  regr_slope(sum(sale_count),year) as slope,
from products
group by year

It throws "00937. 00000 - "not a single-group group function"" .When i delete year from select clause problem disapears. Shouldn't I be able to select column with which I'm grouping?

Oracle 11.2 sqldeveloper

ty for help !


  • It's because you're attempting to use a function (REGR_SLOPE) that can be either an aggregate (or analytical) function on the result of another aggregate (SUM) - use:

      SELECT x.year,
             REGR_SLOPE(sum_sales, x.year) AS slope
        FROM (SELECT y.year,
                     SUM(y.sale_count) AS sum_sales
                FROM PRODUCTS y
            GROUP BY y.year) x
    GROUP BY x.year

    Alternative using WITH clause (Oracle 9i+):

    WITH sums AS (
         SELECT y.year,
           FROM PRODUCTS y
       GROUP BY y.year)
      SELECT x.year,
             REGR_SLOPE(sum_sales, x.year) AS slope
        FROM sums x
    GROUP BY x.year