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xcode localization export xmllint faillure

I have a strange problem in my xcode project. When i want to import or export a localization xcode gives the following error message:

/usr/bin/xmllint exited with status 1

Some research tells me that status 1 means Unclassified but i cannot find what that means and where i should look for the answer.

I have tried to do this on 2 other macs but all show the same error. Somehow it looks like it cannot parse my project.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


  • Struggled with the same problem for 2 days. Finally I decided to export localization using terminal. Here's the code to export using terminal

    xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -localizationPath <dirpath> -project <projectname> [[-exportLanguage <targetlanguage>]]
    1. go to the path where you are having the Project, in dirpath again give the path of the Project and in projectname give your project name including extension. Please remove <> too.Replace [[-exportLanguage targetlanguage]] with -exportLanguage fr , Since I wanted french language , I used fr.

    just hit the enter. Terminal also gave me the same error /usr/bin/xmllint exited with status 1

    But Unlike Xcode, terminal gave some extra Information. It told me the Places where there was parsing Problem. Like in my case I named some button "CC " i.e. CC and Three space. I removed the space and again tried to Export localization via XCODE and finally got SUCCESS.

    PS: Exporting localization via terminal doesn't gurantee 100% success, but atleast it told me the places where there was issue.

    To learn move about Localization enter link description here