I have a strange problem in my xcode project. When i want to import or export a localization xcode gives the following error message:
/usr/bin/xmllint exited with status 1
Some research tells me that status 1 means Unclassified
but i cannot find what that means and where i should look for the answer.
I have tried to do this on 2 other macs but all show the same error. Somehow it looks like it cannot parse my project.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Struggled with the same problem for 2 days. Finally I decided to export localization using terminal. Here's the code to export using terminal
xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -localizationPath <dirpath> -project <projectname> [[-exportLanguage <targetlanguage>]]
just hit the enter. Terminal also gave me the same error /usr/bin/xmllint exited with status 1
But Unlike Xcode, terminal gave some extra Information. It told me the Places where there was parsing Problem. Like in my case I named some button "CC " i.e. CC and Three space. I removed the space and again tried to Export localization via XCODE and finally got SUCCESS.
PS: Exporting localization via terminal doesn't gurantee 100% success, but atleast it told me the places where there was issue.
To learn move about Localization enter link description here