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jenkins with copy artifact plugin without maven from GitHub

I am trying to deploy a war file into WAS8.5 with GitHub. at first I am specifying "EAR Path" with the war file in "Websphere Deployment" option. Then I made some changes in eclipse workspace and pushed into GitHub. Jenkins is checking for latest build but unable to deploy the same in Server. I have used copy artifact plugin, but still nothing happening. I may be wrong in configurations or something. I am getting the following exception:

Copied 0 artifacts from "simplewebapp" build number 20
ERROR: Failed to copy artifacts from simplewebapp with filter: *.war
Archiving artifacts
Finished: FAILURE

and in \jobs\simplewebapp\builds\lastSuccessfulBuild\archive\SimpleWebApp, am unable to see any archive file. How can i achieve it without Maven? Kindly show me with some examples.

jenkinone jenkintwo


  • As a final answer, I recommend to host your project code in GitHub, to use Jenkins/Maven to build your project and to publish the EAR/WAR file to WebSphere using this deployer plugin.