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How to get suggestions in NetBeans for included files

i have a problem to get suggestions for classes which are included in included files.

E.g. content of file 'Header.php' is:

//File 'Header.php':
include('User.php'); //Class file

When I now include the Header.php in my file 'Example.php', i do not get any suggestions:

//File 'Example.php':

After typing User:: I exspect Methods and Vars of class User as suggestions, but there arent any. If I would include 'User.php' directly in my 'Example.php' it works, but that doesn't help me. How to solve this problem?


  • This works fine for me, but all the files have to be included in a Project file. You can't just open random files and include them. Also, if it's lagging, try pressing Crtl+Space.