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Cannot assign value of type UnsafeMutablePointer ObjCBool in Swift

I'm unfamiliar with Objective C.

I'm using a private framework and need to be able to change one of the properties from within my Swift code.

The property is declared in Objective C this way:

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL *isSSNField;

in swift I am trying to change the value of the property this way:

myClass.isSSNField = true

I am getting this error

Cannot assign a value of type 'Bool' to a value of type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjcBool>'

I'm not sure where to go from here, or why I'm getting this error at all


  • I've never seen anything like the situation you describe, and personally I'm tempted to say the situation doesn't exist; I have never seen a BOOL* property or ivar in Objective-C in my life (and I'm darned old, believe me). However, if you insist: I haven't tested this, but I think you could say something like this:

    var ok = UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>.alloc(1)
    ok[0] = false // or true
    let val = ok
    myClass.isSSNField = val

    However, although I think that will compile, I'm rather unclear on what the implications of doing it would be. It could cause the universe to collapse to a black hole, so be careful.