I am struggling with some plots in R. At the moment I am running R version: R version 3.2.0 (2015-04-16) Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) Running under: Windows 7 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
I really hope someone can give me some advise on how to set my x-axis to meet the y-axis at 0. I am using lattice
to create a barchart
with error-bars created using a standard deviation values but it seems that the x-axis won't start at 0 while intersecting the y-axis.
As you can see from here:
I am using this dataset "order":
Order Area Count Stdev
order1 Area 1 224122 37263.35097
order2 Area 1 2091 253.0564825
order3 Area 1 45867 4450.600737
order4 Area 1 32816 4563.089816
order1 Area 2 71548 2046.367025
order2 Area 2 309 24.74873734
order3 Area 2 22564 315.3696244
order4 Area 2 10686 987.1210665
And a friend helped me to have this code working:
#it is better to prepare the prepanel before with all the setting
prepanel=function(y, Stdev, subscripts=subscripts, ...){
uy <- as.numeric(y+Stdev[subscripts])#upper y so max value for error bar
ly <- as.numeric(y-Stdev[subscripts])#lower y so min value for error bar
list(ylim=range(y,uy,ly, finite=TRUE))
panel.err=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
d <- 1/(nlevels(groups)+nlevels(groups)/box.ratio)
g <- (as.numeric(groups[subscripts])-1); g <- (g-median(g))*d
panel.arrows(as.numeric(x)+g,y-Stdev[subscripts], as.numeric(x)+g, y+Stdev[subscripts],
code=3,angle=90, length=0.025)
barchart(Count~Order,#tells it what x and y are for the plot
groups=Area,#tells it the subdivision in x
data=order,#tells it where to get the info from
auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE,columns=2, title="Area",cex.title=1),#adds the key how to spread the legend and the title of it
main="Order per Area", #this create the title of the graph
#scales=list(x=list(rot=0))), #rotate the x-axis labels
panel=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
panel.barchart(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, ...)
panel.err(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, Stdev=order$Stdev)
I have tried to set xaxs='i'
and yaxs='i'
or even set xlim=(0,)
but it won't do the trick, so I was wondering if anyone have any idea on how to sort it.
Yes, yaxs
doesn't work in lattice
. See here for how it is handled.
However, I got this to work by skipping the prepanel
and calculating the ylim
directly in the barchart
Area=rep(paste0("Area ",1:2),each=4),
panel.err=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
d <- 1/(nlevels(groups)+nlevels(groups)/box.ratio)
g <- (as.numeric(groups[subscripts])-1); g <- (g-median(g))*d
panel.arrows(as.numeric(x)+g,y-Stdev[subscripts], as.numeric(x)+g, y+Stdev[subscripts],
code=3,angle=90, length=0.025)
barchart(Count~Order,#tells it what x and y are for the plot
groups=Area,#tells it the subdivision in x
data=order,#tells it where to get the info from
auto.key=list(points=FALSE,rectangles=TRUE,columns=2, title="Area",cex.title=1),#adds the key how to spread the legend and the title of it
main="Order per Area", #this create the title of the graph
#scales=list(x=list(rot=0))), #rotate the x-axis labels
panel=function(x, y, subscripts, groups, Stdev, box.ratio, ...){
panel.barchart(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, ...)
panel.err(x, y, subscripts=subscripts,
groups=groups, box.ratio=box.ratio, Stdev=order$Stdev)
I added 4% to the top limit so the error bar doesn't fall on the bounding box. I used zero for the lower limit rather than some other minimum value in the data since that is more appropriate for bar charts.