I have an error at Android Studio. My paramView is red and i don't know why here is my code: The error is at the big marked code.
public void plusOne(final View paramView)
Object localObject;
if (this.scoreInteger == 0)
localObject = new Timer();
this.timerTask = new TimerTask()
public void run()
paramView.post(new Runnable()
public void run()
((TextView)MainActivity.this.findViewById(R.id.timer)).setText(MainActivity.this.myTimer + "");
MainActivity localMyActivity = MainActivity.this;
localMyActivity.myTimer += 1;
((Timer)localObject).schedule(this.timerTask, 0L, 10L);
this.scoreInteger += 1;
if (this.scoreInteger < 10)
this.timerTask = null;
**paramView = (Button)findViewById(R.id.plusOne);
**paramView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.timer);**
if (this.myTimer < this.myHighScore)
this.myHighScore = this.myTimer;
localObject = getSharedPreferences("your_prefs", 0).edit();
((SharedPreferences.Editor)localObject).putInt("your_int_key", this.myHighScore);
for (;;)
paramView.**setText**(this.highScoreString + String.valueOf(this.myHighScore));
this.myHighScore = getSharedPreferences("your_prefs", 0).getInt("your_int_key", 0);
Please help me to solve that Problem. I can't finish the app. Thank You
You declare paramView as final in your method parameters. You can't modify a final variable (that's why it's said to be final, actually).