Does anyone know how I set images to listview items when they contain certain text? For instance if an items' text is something with ".png" I want to give that item (or those items) an image which I've added to an imagelist. Here is the code I use to populate the listview with folders and files:
Dim FilePath As String = "C:\"
Dim DirInfo() As DirectoryInfo
DirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(FilePath).GetDirectories
For Each DirInfoFolder In DirInfo
Dim FilePathFiles As New IO.DirectoryInfo(FilePath)
For Each FileInfoFolder In FilePathFiles.GetFiles
Any help would be appriciated. Thanks in advance :)
Instead of using the default ListView.Add(string), you need to construct your own ListViewItem and then add it to the ListView after setting the correct index for the image in the image list. (My VB.Net is rusty so please verify the syntax)
For Each FileInfoFolder In FilePathFiles.GetFiles
Dim lvi as New ListViewItem(FileInfoFolder.Name)
If FileInfoFolder.Name.EndsWith(".png")
lvi.ImageIndex = pngImageIndex
End If