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How to change the a href into an URL using R?

How can I change the href into a meaningful URL using R? By meaningful I understand an address that if paste to a browser will open correctly.

For example:

<a href="../../systemfit/html/systemfit.html">systemfit</a>

read from:


What I do is:

collectLinks <- function(x){
fileUrl <- (x)
html <- paste(readLines(fileUrl, warn=FALSE), collapse="\n")
matched <- stri_match_all_regex(html, "<a href=\"(.*?)\"")
matched[[1]][, 2]

links <- collectLinks("")

Function collectLinks takes a character string which contains an URL as an input. It returns a character vector of href content which is found on x.

What I would like to do next is to go through every element in links and extract the href content from it. However:

[1] "../../systemfit/html/systemfit.html"      "../../systemfit/html/solve.html"      
[3] "../../systemfit/html/det.html"         "../../systemfit/html/systemfit.html"  
[5] "" "../../systemfit/html/systemfit.html"  
[7] "00Index.html"  

are not meaningful URLs.

Error in file(con, "r") : cannot open the connection
In addition: Warning message:
In file(con, "r") :
cannot open file '../../systemfit/html/systemfit.html': No such file or    directory

I wonder if there is an universal way that allows to convert the a href content into meaningful URL which can be further exploit?


  • library(XML)
    #k1[6] is what you are looking for:
    [1] "../../systemfit/html/systemfit.html"
    k2<-htmlParse(sub("../..", "",k1[6]))