I've been searching a lot and I can't make it work.
I have a problem trying to get fragments inside a viewpager with a tabstrip.
I've implemented a SparseArray as I read here and several methods that I found here but I can't make it work.
The thing is that everytime I call adapter.getRegisteredFragment(position).. I always receive null unless I made it inside the onPageSelected event of the tabsStrip, there it works.. but I don't want to get the fragments there.
Those are my classes:
My fragment:
public class WeekFragment extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListener
private static final String ARG_POSITION = "position";
private int position;
private LinearLayout[] btns;
public static WeekFragment newInstance(int position) {
WeekFragment f = new WeekFragment();
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putInt(ARG_POSITION, position);
return f;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
position = getArguments().getInt(ARG_POSITION);
public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState)
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
private void fillFragment()
// Irrelevant stuff..
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstance)
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.week_fragment, container, false);
public void onClick(View v)
// Irrelevant stuff
public LinearLayout[] getBtns()
return btns;
public void setBtns(LinearLayout[] btns)
this.btns = btns;
My adapter:
public class WeekAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter
Calendar cal;
Context context;
SparseArray<Fragment> registeredFragments;
private String[] TITLES = new String[6];
public WeekAdapter(FragmentManager fm, Context context)
registeredFragments = new SparseArray<>();
this.context = context;
private void fillTitles()
// Fill titles
public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position)
return TITLES[position];
public int getCount()
return TITLES.length;
public Fragment getItem(int position)
return WeekFragment.newInstance(position);
public Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position) {
Fragment fragment = (Fragment) super.instantiateItem(container, position);
registeredFragments.put(position, fragment);
return fragment;
public void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) {
super.destroyItem(container, position, object);
public Fragment getRegisteredFragment(int position) {
return registeredFragments.get(position);
and my activity:
public class MyActivity extends FragmentActivity
private PagerSlidingTabStrip tabs;
private ViewPager pager;
private WeekAdapter adapter;
private List<DayResumeItem> listDayResumesItems;
private User u;
private View mProgressView;
private View mRotaView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
mProgressView = findViewById(R.id.view_progress);
mRotaView = findViewById(R.id.view_rota);
this.u = this.getIntent().getExtras().getParcelable(getString(R.string.parcel_user));
// Initialize the ViewPager and set an adapter
pager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.pager);
adapter = new WeekAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), getApplicationContext());
// Bind the tabs to the ViewPager
tabs = (PagerSlidingTabStrip) findViewById(R.id.tabs);
tabs.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener()
public void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels)
WeekFragment f = (WeekFragment)adapter.getRegisteredFragment(week);
// Do stuff.. Here, f is not null. Here I can work, but I don't want to.
public void onPageSelected(int position)
public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state)
WeekFragment f = (WeekFragment)adapter.getRegisteredFragment(week);
// Do stuff.. Here, f is null and I can't work.
protected void onResume()
It is everytime I call adapter.getRegisteredFragment(position) on my activity where it crash because it always return null..
I swear that I've been searching a lot but I'm unable to make it work.
Thank you very much everybody!
I think my problem was that I was calling this adapter.getRegisteredFragment(position) in the onCreate of my activity, and in the onCreate, the viewpager is still not fully loaded and the registeredFragments aren't still instantiated, so the list is still empty..
If you move this callings to another place when the viewpager is fully loaded, it will work.