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trying to retrieve element from an OrderedCollection

I am using pharo. I have a Car class which has a speed variable and the class side method withSpeed: aSpeed which sets speed := aSpeed.

I am trying the following test in the playground.

car := Car withSpeed: 20.
cars := OrderedCollection new.
cars add: car.

Now, I have a car inside cars collection.

I want to get the car which has speed = 20 I am trying the following code, but it gives me error:

result := cars select: [ :each | each withSpeed: 20. ].  

Any idea what is going wrong?


  • Given that your Car has an accessor for speed, you simply can do

    result := cars select: [ :each | each speed = 20. ].  

    That gets you all cars that have the speed 20. If you only want one, you should use detect:

    myCar := cars detect: [ :each | each speed = 20. ].  

    Accessors for instance variables (here speed) typically look like

        ^ speed


    Car>>speed: anObject
        speed := anObject.