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Hive: More clean way to SELECT AS and GROUP BY

I try to write Hive Sql like that

SELECT count(1), substr(date, 1, 4) as year
FROM ***

But Hive cannot recognize the alias name 'year', it complains that: FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 1:79 Invalid table alias or column reference 'year'

One solution(Hive: SELECT AS and GROUP BY) suggest to use 'GROUP BY substr(date, 1, 4)'.

It works! However in some cases the value I want to group by may be generated from multiple lines of hive function code, it's very ugly to write code like

SELECT count(1), func1(func2(..........................)) AS something
FROM ***
GROUP BY func1(func2(..........................))

Is there any clean way in Hive to do that? Any suggestions?


  • Specifying the position in Group By will solve your issue. This position number in Group By works even when SET hive.groupby.orderby.position.alias=true; (Hive 0.12)

    SELECT count(1), substr(date, 1, 4) as year  
    FROM ***
    GROUP BY 2;