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XHPROF/XHGUI with apacheBench

I'm currently setting up a benchmark for different frameworks.

I succesfully installed and configured XHProf and XHGui (from So far everything is going well and I can execute my benchmarks through the webbrowser without any problems.

However, I want to automize my tests using the Apache bench tool. But when I use the following apache bench command xhgui won't store anything to the database and therfore not giving me any results at all:

ab -n 10000 -c 200 http://IP_OF_TEST_APPLICATION/

Does anyone have an idea of how I could get that to work or if it should work already and I'm just doing something terribly wrong with one of the tools?

Thanks in advance.


  • I figured it out, I had a mistake in my url which lead to not executing the profiler when running the ab command.