I am trying to get a href behavior added to tag. How can this be done? Is there way in angular directives to add same behavior to other html tags.
I have added
<div click-element="#/page1/test?Tab=1/">
but i get the following lexer error for passing the URL as parameter:
"stack": "Error: [$parse:lexerr] Lexer Error: Unexpected next character at columns 0-0 [#] in expression [#/page1/test?Tab=1/].
How can i pass the URL as attribute parameter?
I want the click-element directive to be the one which handles navigation. The element would rather look like:
<div click-element="#/page1/test?Tab=1/">
In click-element directive:
function clickElement( $location) {
var clickElementDefinition = {
restrict: 'A',
scope: {
clickElement: "="
link: clickElementMethod
return clickElementDefinition ;
function clickElementMethod(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('click', function (event) {
if (scope.clickElement) {
var arr = scope.clickElement.split("?");
var queryParam = arr[1].split("=") || "";
$location.path(arr[0]).search(queryParam[0], queryParam[1]);
I still get the lexer error on directive load.
You need to either add a second set of quotes to the click-element or use attrs.clickElement instead of scope.
<div click-element="'#/page1/test?Tab=1/'">
function clickElementMethod(scope, element, attrs) {
element.bind('click', function (event) {
if (attrs.clickElement) {
var arr = attrs.clickElement.split("?");
var queryParam = arr[1].split("=") || "";
$location.path(arr[0]).search(queryParam[0], queryParam[1]);
scope: {
clickElement: "@"