I have been trying to use Deedle F# Library to write an F# batch program. It has worked perfectly. However, I am not sure about the best design for the following 2 tasks:
Combine the F# module into a existing ASP.net MVC/Web Api system
Create a WPF interface to serve as a control panel and visual dependency controller for the various F# modules.
The type of tasks the F# modules are doing are processing time series and applying statistical processes to derive new time series.
I have been trying to create a class wrapper for the existing module so it can be called from C# code. I read from the C# Deep Dive that this is a better way to expose F# modules to C# callers.
The following is a sample wrapper:
type TimeSeriesDataProcessor(fileName:string) =
let mutable _fileName = fileName
let _rawInputData = loadCsvFile _fileName
let _pivotedData = _rawInputData
|> pivotRawData
|> fillPivotedRawData
|> calculateExpandingZscore
//read and write
member this.FileName
with get () = _fileName
and set (value) = _fileName <- value
member this.RawInputData
with get () = _rawInputData
member this.PivotedData
with get () = _pivotedData
member this.rawInputDataCount
with get () = _rawInputData.RowCount
member this.pivotedDataCount
with get () = _pivotedData.RowCount
The following is a sample module where most of the logic should reside:
module Common =
let loadCsvFile (fileName:string ) : Frame<int,string> =
let inputData = Frame.ReadCsv(fileName)
let pivotRawData inputData:Frame<DateTime,string> =
let pivotedData = inputData |> Frame.pivotTable (fun k r -> r.GetAs<DateTime>("Date"))
(fun k r -> r.GetAs<string>("Indicator"))
(fun f -> let maxVal = f?Value |> Stats.max
match maxVal with
| Some mv -> mv
| _ -> Double.NaN
let fillPivotedRawData inputData:Frame<DateTime,string> =
let filledA = inputData?A |> Series.fillMissing Direction.Forward
let filledB = inputData?B |> Series.fillMissing Direction.Forward
let calculateExpandingZscore inputData:Frame<DateTime,string> =
let expandingMeanColA = inputData?A |> Stats.expandingMean
let expandingMeanColB = inputData?B |> Stats.expandingMean
let expandingStdevColA = inputData?A |> Stats.expandingStdDev
let expandingStdevColB = inputData?B |> Stats.expandingStdDev
let expandingZscoreColA = (inputData?A - expandingMeanColA)/expandingStdevColA
let expandingZscoreColB = (inputData?B - expandingMeanColB)/expandingStdevColB
inputData?ExpdingMeanA <- expandingMeanColA
inputData?ExpdingMeanB <- expandingMeanColB
inputData?ExpdingStdevA <- expandingStdevColA
inputData?ExpdingStdevB <- expandingStdevColB
inputData?ExpdingZscoreA <- expandingZscoreColA
inputData?ExpdingZscoreB <- expandingZscoreColB
I have been trying to use NUnit to serve as a C# caller. I found myself putting most of the logic in the class do/let binding
. The member methods are serving as passing the results to the caller. I don't think my approach is correct.
Can someone point me to the right direction? (I attempted to learn the F# WPF Framework on GitHub, but I am not yet up to the task)
I am aware Deedle is also avalable for C#. But, I really want to use F#. The sample code actually has too many side effects.
To put it bluntly, you want to build as little of your UI and framework in F# as possible. As you have noted, F# is a great language when it's great; otherwise, it is not recommended for application building (some hardcore functional-language-fanboys might fight me on that, but I stand by it, haha).
I would recommend putting all of your unit-of-work F# code in a Portable F# Library (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh913781.aspx). Then, referencing that library and calling methods from it is as simple as calling the classes and methods as you would from C# or VB classes and methods.
There are also some templates that you can use (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mcsuksoldev/archive/2011/06/05/f-class-library-template.aspx).