I scoured the internet, but couldn't even find a mention of what this particular keyerror represents. This code
Player_p_dict = {}
for player in Players:
pp = float(Player_dict[player][0])/Team_dict[Player_dict[player][1]]
Player_p_dict[player] = pp
print Player_p_dict
returns the error message
Traceback (most recent call last): File "FantasyNHL.py", line 818,
in <module>
pp = float(Player_dict[player][0])/Team_dict[Player_dict[player][1]]
KeyError: 'TOT'
Where Player_dict is a dictionary with list entries, and Team_dict is another dictionary(surprising, I know).
happens e.g. if you try to access a non-existing key in a dictionary,
KeyError: 'TOT'
means the key it was looking for is 'TOT'
I see you assigned Player_p_dict[player]
but you're reading the key player
on Player_dict
that could be it