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What is a better way for checking for the existence of an environment variable in the Maven antrun plugin?

I’m using Maven 3.2.3. I have this for my ant run plugin …

                                                            <taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/" />
                                                            <property environment="env"/>
                                                                    <isset property="env.JBOSS_HOME"/>
                                                                            <echo file="${JBOSS_HOME}/standalone/deployments/${project.artifactId}.war.dodeploy" append="false" message="" />

Despite the fact I know $JBOSS_HOME is defined in my environment (I’m able to run


from the same bash shell in which I run my Maven build), the “isset” directive always returns false. Is there a better way to test for the existence of an environment variable in the Antrun plugin?


  • A target also has the ability to perform its execution if (or unless) a property has been set. To make a target sense this property, you should add the if (or unless) attribute with the name of the property that the target should react to.

    <target name="build-if" if="env.JBOSS_HOME"/>
    <target name="build-unless" unless="env.JBOSS_HOME"/>