I have JSON data in the following format:
{"load":{"meta": 12345}}
{"load":{"meta": 54321}}
When I attempt to load the data with Cheshire I get back only the first line of data translated into edn:
(def read-json-data (parse-string (slurp "data/json_data") true))
=> {:load {:meta 12345}}
This is correct behaviour - cheshire/parse-string
parses the first JSON object it can find.
If you want the whole file to be parsed as a single JSON object you should make an array:
[{"load": {"meta": 12345}},
{"load": {"meta": 54321}},
Alternatively, if you want to parse each line separately you can do something like this:
(map #(cheshire/parse-string % true)
(line-seq (clojure.java.io/reader "data/json_data")))
(Also, notice the colons in the JSON.)