Hello i´m working with JavaCC and I am writing a token that put one String between " ". Context:
void literalString(): {} { """ (characteresString())? """ }
void characteresString(): {} { <characterString> | characteresString() <characterString> }
So i made this token to put one String:
TOKEN : {<characterString : ~["\", "] >}
The problem is I don´t know how to exclude the " symbol in the token, if I put """ it gives me error, if i put one " error again.
Thank you in advance
Instead of
void literalString(): {} { """ (characteresString())? """ }
use a token definition
TOKEN : { <STRING : "\"" (<CHAR>)* "\"" >
| <#CHAR : ~["\""] > // Any character that is not "
Now this defines a string to be a "
, followed by zero or more characters that are not "
s, followed by another "
However some languages have further restrictions, such as only allowing characters in a certain range. For example if only printable ascii characters excluding "
s where allowed, then you would use
TOKEN : { <STRING : "\"" (<CHAR>)* "\"" >
| <#CHAR: [" ","!","#"-"~"]> // Printable ASCII characters excluding "
But, say you want to allow "
characters if the are preceded a by \
and you want to ban \
characters unless they are followed by a "
or another \
or an n
. Then you could use
TOKEN : { <STRING : "\"" (<CHAR> | <ESCAPESEQ>)* "\"" >
| <#CHAR: [" ","!","#"-"[","]"-"~"] > // Printable ASCII characters excluding \ and "
| <#ESCAPESEQ: "\\" ["\"","\\","n"] > // 2-character sequences \\, \", and \n