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3 seconds latency while streaming with Wowza Server

I'm trying to develop a live streaming application with RTSP protocol.

On the PC with the Wowza Server, I execute the following command :


ffmpeg -f dshow -i video="Name_Of_My_Cam":audio="Name_Of_My_Microphone" -vcodec
h263p -f rtsp -muxdelay 0.1 rtsp://<Wowza_server_ip_adress>:1935/live/test

And I'm trying to play this stream on a VideoView on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Lite. Here is the code:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    VideoView vv = (VideoView) findViewById(;
    // Receive RTSP video from Wowza Server

I managed to read the video and the sound but it makes 3 secondes (or more...) to start and I keep this delay during all the streaming. It is very annoying because I want to develop a call session.

Does anybody know how to reduce this delay? Is it a Wowza issue?


  • I managed to solve it using the vitamio library. Instead of a VideoView, I implement the custom MediaPlayer (see the sample ""). The delay is less than 1 sec. So the streaming from my Wowza Server to the android phone work well.