I have recently updated my MVC 4 application to MVC 5 and Identity 2.0 however I'm having difficulty to get it working. After logging in I get the error "No user found was found that has the name" and entity framework is still creating the old simplemembership tables "webpages_Membership", "webpages_OAuthMembership", "webpages_Roles", and "webpages_UsersInRoles".
I have used the Identity 2.0 methods for adding a new user and role for an admin account and these are showing up in those tables.
So my question is how to I remove any remaining links to simplemembership so that I am only using Identity 2.0. I don't even know where to look to find things to remove.
for reference I am working on visual studio 2012 with the MVC 5 update and tools installed. I have no need to keep existing users so no need to worry about migrating data. Just need help figuring out why it's still using simplememebership
If your app uses the User.IsInRole()
method, add the following to the Web.config file.
<remove name="RoleManager" />
I came across the same issue, I found the details here (4. At the bottom of the page):
How to Upgrade an ASP.NET MVC 4 and Web API Project to ASP.NET MVC 5 and Web API 2