Using IntelliJ 14.0.3, whenever I try to create a new row inside a database table, the editor just creates a new row with default values for each column. Then I edit those default values with actual values. After refreshing, the row then disappears. Auto-commit is on.
Edit: Also happens in IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.1 Even with Auto-Commit off, after I create the row, edit the values, then click the Commit button, it is still not saved.
After you filled new values in, you have to invoke 'Submit New Row' action - it's available in the inserted row's context menu.
The thing is, after you've hit 'Add New Row', the new row is only added in the UI, so that you can edit values. 'Submit New Row' action submits a new row to your dbms, 'Commit' commits current database transaction.