Am trying to find away to plot a chart/graph to show how many jobs are running at any given time through the day, when jobs are starting is easy, but the idea is that it should show how long that it is taking along with this.
I've got a Query which runs through all jobs gets their start time, their duration, I've calculated the end time if that's needed, but I cant seem to be able to put that on the screen for people to be able to go, oh yea there was 5 long running jobs happening here and none here.
Most of the jobs take next to no time at all but we do have a few which take a few minutes and few overnight which take potentially over an hour.
The basic code I'm using to grab the information:
select run_duration
,cast(concat(cast(run_date as varchar(8)),' ',substring(right('00000'+cast(run_time as varchar(8)),6),1,2),':',
substring(right('000'+cast(run_time as varchar(6)),4),1,2),':',
substring(right(run_time,2),1,2))as datetime) as [starttime]
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE run_duration >0
SELECT 1 as [running],run_duration,starttime,DATEADD(ss,run_duration,[starttime]) AS [endTime]
WHERE [starttime] > (GETUTCDATE() - 1)
ORDER BY [starttime] DESC
Any help / clues as how I should go about this would be appreciated (Creating a separate admin table is a possibility if required.
Attached link to image of a very rough idea of what I'm after
Thanks Ste
New code refinment, now takes into consideration jobs that are still running, and also jobs that were still running but started before the date-1 (also runs a lot faster)
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#jobtimes') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #jobtimes
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#jobhis') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #jobhis
SELECT instance_ID
,(substring(right('00000'+cast(run_duration as varchar(8)),6),1,2)*60*60) +
(substring(right('000'+cast(run_duration as varchar(6)),4),1,2)*60) +
as run_duration
,cast(concat(cast(run_date as varchar(8)),' ',substring(right('00000'+cast(run_time as varchar(8)),6),1,2),':',
substring(right('000'+cast(run_time as varchar(6)),4),1,2),':',
substring(right(run_time,2),1,2))as datetime) as [startingtime]
INTO #jobhis
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory WITH (NOLOCK)
run_duration >0 and
step_id = 0 and
cast(run_date as varchar(8)) > (GETDATE() - 2 )
SELECT 1,datediff(second,start_execution_date,GETdate()),start_execution_date
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobactivity with(nolock)
WHERE run_requested_date is not null
and stop_execution_date is null
and start_execution_date > GETUTCDATE()-2
SELECT 1 as running,run_duration, instance_ID, startingtime, dateadd(ms,-10,DATEADD(ss,run_duration,startingtime)) as endtime
into #jobtimes
FROM #jobhis
WHERE dateadd(ms,-10,DATEADD(ss,run_duration,startingtime)) > (GETDATE() -1)
SELECT NULL as running ,0 as run_duration, 0 as instance_ID, DATEADD(ss,run_duration,startingtime) as startingtime, NULL as endtime
FROM #jobhis
WHERE [startingtime] > (GETDATE() - 1 )
SELECT p1.startingtime,count(p2.running) as instances
FROM #jobtimes p1
LEFT JOIN #jobtimes p2 ON
p2.running =1
AND p1.startingtime between p2.startingtime and p2.endtime
WHERE p1.startingtime > (getdate()-1)
GROUP BY p1.startingtime,p1.run_duration
DROP TABLE #jobtimes
DROP TABLE #jobhis
Update for being able to detect the end of each job aswell so the graph will go down to 0 once all of the jobs have finished or just go down to however many is remaining when one finished,
we've got 27k jobs a day running that take atleast a second and running the query straight in management studio takes around a minute and a half, running in SSDT its taking less than 10 seconds (dont know if its caching a lot of the information)
SELECT instance_ID
,(substring(right('00000'+cast(run_duration as varchar(8)),6),1,2)*60*60) +
(substring(right('000'+cast(run_duration as varchar(6)),4),1,2)*60) +
as run_duration
--,msdb.dbo.agent_datetime(run_date,run_time) as startingtime
,cast(concat(cast(run_date as varchar(8)),' ',substring(right('00000'+cast(run_time as varchar(8)),6),1,2),':',
substring(right('000'+cast(run_time as varchar(6)),4),1,2),':',
substring(right(run_time,2),1,2))as datetime) as [startingtime]
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory WITH (NOLOCK)
WHERE run_duration >0 and cast(run_date as varchar(8)) > (GETUTCDATE() - 2 )
), Pri AS
SELECT 1 as running,run_duration, instance_ID, startingtime, dateadd(ms,-10,DATEADD(ss,run_duration,startingtime)) as endtime
WHERE [startingtime] > (GETUTCDATE() - 1 )
SELECT NULL as running ,0 as run_duration, 0 as instance_ID, DATEADD(ss,run_duration,startingtime) as startingtime, NULL as endtime
WHERE [startingtime] > (GETUTCDATE() - 1 )
SELECT p1.startingtime,count(p2.running) as instances FROM Pri p1
p2.running =1 AND p1.startingtime between p2.startingtime and p2.endtime
GROUP BY p1.startingtime,p1.run_duration
order by startingtime
Hope anyone else who would want to see this will find this useful