I'm using vim with latex-suite to edit my documents. Each time I press F9 to complete a "\cite{", the outline opens, I can choose the correct reference and validate. Then the outline closes, but i have a buffer, that looks like "29:--NO NAME--1419627912" that remains open. Each time I complete, another one opens, and it quickly grows out of control...
It seems no one has this problem, thouh i have it on all my documents, and all computers (2 fedoras 20 and a centos 5)
Does anyone have an idea why ?
I had the same problem.
I don't know if there's a conflict, or what's causing the bug.
But I found the solution here: http://sourceforge.net/p/vim-latex/mailman/message/28747891/
As it says, make the following changes in ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
@@ -855,7 +856,8 @@ function! Tex_FindBibFiles()
call Tex_Debug(":Tex_FindBibFiles: ", "view")
let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
- exec 'new ' . fnameescape(mainfname)
+ split
+ exec 'silent! e '.fnameescape(mainfname)
if search('\\\(no\)\?bibliography{', 'w')