I'm getting the following error when trying to deploy an app with the Microsoft Band SDK. The build config is RELEASE and the target output is ARM. If use DEBUG config, it works.
Error : DEP6810 : MdilXapCompile.exe failed with error code 2001.
I've examined the MDILXapCompileLog and the following is the where the compilation failed:
CrossGen failed
Error processing assembly [projectpath]...\obj\ARM\Release\MSIL\Microsoft.Band.dll
Raw error code: 2148733978
NOTE: The extra weird part about this situation is that if I only package the app without deploying, I can side-load it to the device and it works as expected.
Here are the csproj sections - Debug/ARM:
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|ARM'">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|ARM'">
The only difference I see are the debug symbols, could the Microsoft.Band.dll not have public symbols? Isn't Visual Studio supposed to created them?
I noticed that the solution still had the old Band SDK - Preview packages even after updating to the newer SDK. I manually deleted all the nuget items, forced a package refresh and the project now deploys successfully.
Here are the steps:
Rebuild the solution and it should deploy properly