I know there are existing tools for testing a ColdFusion application (MXUnit, MockBox), but I'm creating a custom tool, so that it will require less configuration.
When I run a unit test file, it's done via a generic 'model' which retrieves all functions from the unit test file. Within each test function, I have to call assertEquals
-- but these functions are in the model, so I cannot access them.
I tried by passing the model itself to the unit test file so it can call the models functions directly but it doesn't work and it adds logic to the test file, which I don't like.
I can also extend the model in the test file but I will have to call directly the test file, call super.init(this)
so the model can fetch test functions, etc..
Is there a way to achieve this kind of process? What's the best option?
In answer to your question, it sounds like you want to inject variables / methods into the subject under test. You can do it like so:
myInstance["methodName"] = myFunction;
You can then call the injected method like so:
Both MXUnit and TestBox use this technique.
Having said that I don't quite understand why you want to re-invent the wheel. TestBox is an excellent, proven testing framework which has a wealth of features which would take you an incredible amount of time to replicate. I'm not quite sure what the configuration issue you have could be - it really doesn't require very much setup. Maybe it might be worth asking how to setup and use TestBox rather than how to build your own testing solution :)
There is a good book (which is available in a free version) which you can read on TestBox here : http://testbox.ortusbooks.com/
Good luck!