I want to view and pretty print this csv file from command line. For this purpose I am using csvlook nupic_out.csv | less -#2 -N -S
command. The problem is that this csv file has very long one column (it is the 5th - multiStepPredictions.1) Everything up to this column is displayed properly
1 -----------------+--------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 angle | sine | multiStepPredictions.actual | multiStepPredictions.1
3 -----------------+--------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 string | string | string | string
5 | | |
6 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | None
7 0.0314159265359 | 0.0314107590781 | 0.0314107590781 | {0.0: 1.0}
8 0.0628318530718 | 0.0627905195293 | 0.0627905195293 | {0.0: 0.0039840637450199202 0.03141075907812829: 0.99601593625497931}
9 0.0942477796077 | 0.0941083133185 | 0.0941083133185 | {0.03141075907812829: 1.0}
10 0.125663706144 | 0.125333233564 | 0.125333233564 | {0.06279051952931337: 0.98942669172932329 0.03141075907812829: 0.010573308270676691}
11 0.157079632679 | 0.15643446504 | 0.15643446504 | {0.03141075907812829: 0.0040463956041429626 0.09410831331851431: 0.94917381047888194 0.06279051952931337: 0.04677979391
12 0.188495559215 | 0.187381314586 | 0.187381314586 | {0.12533323356430426: 0.85789473684210527 0.09410831331851431: 0.14210526315789476}
13 0.219911485751 | 0.218143241397 | 0.218143241397 | {0.15643446504023087: 0.63177315983686211 0.12533323356430426: 0.26859584385317475 0.09410831331851431: 0.09963099630
14 0.251327412287 | 0.248689887165 | 0.248689887165 | {0.06279051952931337: 0.3300438596491227 0.1873813145857246: 0.47381368550527647 0.15643446504023087: 0.12643231695
15 0.282743338823 | 0.278991106039 | 0.278991106039 | {0.21814324139654254: 0.56140350877192935 0.03141075907812829: 0.0032894736842105313 0.1873813145857246: 0.105263157894
16 0.314159265359 | 0.309016994375 | 0.309016994375 | {0.2486898871648548: 0.8228480378168288 0.03141075907812829: 0.0029688002160632981 0.1873813145857246: 0.022936632244020292
17 0.345575191895 | 0.338737920245 | 0.338737920245 | {0.2486898871648548: 0.13291723147401985 0.2789911060392293: 0.77025390613412514 0.21814324139654254: 0.06654338668
18 0.376991118431 | 0.368124552685 | 0.368124552685 | {0.2486898871648548: 0.10230061459892241 0.2789911060392293: 0.14992465949587844 0.21814324139654254: 0.06517018413
19 0.408407044967 | 0.397147890635 | 0.397147890635 | {0.33873792024529137: 0.67450197451277849 0.2486898871648548: 0.028274124758268366 0.2789911060392293: 0.077399230934
20 0.439822971503 | 0.425779291565 | 0.425779291565 | {0.33873792024529137: 0.17676914536466748 0.3681245526846779: 0.6509556160617509 0.2486898871648548: 0.04784688995215327
21 0.471238898038 | 0.45399049974 | 0.45399049974 | {0.33873792024529137: 0.038582651338955089 0.3681245526846779: 0.14813277049357607 0.2486898871648548: 0.029239766081
22 0.502654824574 | 0.481753674102 | 0.481753674102 | {0.3681245526846779: 0.035163881050575212 0.42577929156507266: 0.61447711863333254 0.2486898871648548: 0.015554881705
23 0.53407075111 | 0.50904141575 | 0.50904141575 | {0.33873792024529137: 0.076923076923077108 0.42577929156507266: 0.11307647489430354 0.45399049973954675: 0.66410206612
24 0.565486677646 | 0.535826794979 | 0.535826794979 | {0.42577929156507266: 0.035628438284964516 0.45399049973954675: 0.22906083786048709 0.3971478906347806: 0.014132015120
25 0.596902604182 | 0.562083377852 | 0.562083377852 | {0.5090414157503713: 0.51578106597362727 0.45399049973954675: 0.095000708551421106 0.06279051952931337: 0.08649420683
26 0.628318530718 | 0.587785252292 | 0.587785252292 | {0.5090414157503713: 0.10561370056909389 0.45399049973954675: 0.063130123291224485 0.5358267949789967: 0.617348556187
27 0.659734457254 | 0.612907053653 | 0.612907053653 | {0.5090414157503713: 0.036017118165629407 0.45399049973954675: 0.013316643552779454 0.5358267949789967: 0.236874795987
28 0.69115038379 | 0.637423989749 | 0.637423989749 | {0.2486898871648548: 0.037593984962406228 0.21814324139654254: 0.033834586466165564 0.5358267949789967: 0.085397996837
29 0.722566310326 | 0.661311865324 | 0.661311865324 | {0.6129070536529765: 0.49088597257034694 0.2486898871648548: 0.072573707671854309 0.06279051952931337: 0.04684445139
30 0.753982236862 | 0.684547105929 | 0.684547105929 | {0.6129070536529765: 0.16399317807418579 0.2486898871648548: 0.066194656736965368 0.2789911060392293: 0.015074193295
But everything displayed behind this column is garbage
1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------+---
2 | anomalyScore | multiStepBestPredictions.actual | multiStepBestPredictions.1 | anomalyLabel | mu
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------+---------------------------------+----------------------------+--------------+---
4 | string | string | string | string | fl
5 | | | | |
6 | 1.0 | 0.0 | None | [] | 0
7 | 1.0 | 0.0314107590781 | 0.0 | [] | 10
8 | 1.0 | 0.0627905195293 | 0.0314107590781 | []
9 | 1.0 | 0.0941083133185 | 0.0314107590781 | [] | 66
10 | 1.0 | 0.125333233564 | 0.0627905195293 | []
11 | 1.0 | 0.15643446504 | 0.0941083133185 | []
12 | 1.0 | 0.187381314586 | 0.125333233564 | []
13 | 1.0 | 0.218143241397 | 0.15643446504 | []
14 | 1.0 | 0.248689887165 | 0.187381314586
15 | 1.0 | 0.278991106039 | 0.218143241397 |
16 | 1.0 | 0.309016994375 | 0.248689887165 | []
17 | 1.0 | 0.338737920245 | 0.278991106039
18 075907812829: 0.0008726186745285988 0.3090169943749474: 0.36571033632089267 0.15643446504023087: 0.15263157894736851} | 1.0 | 0.368124552685 | 0.30
19 69943749474: 0.12243639244611626 0.15643446504023087: 0.076923076923077024} | 1.0 | 0.397147890635 | 0.33873792
20 474: 0.042824288244468607} | 1.0 | 0.425779291565 | 0.368124552685
21 78906347806: 0.72014752277063943 0.3090169943749474: 0.019779736758565116} | 1.0 | 0.45399049974 | 0.39714789
22 323356430426: 0.030959752321981428 0.09410831331851431: 0.027863777089783253} | 1.0 | 0.481753674102 | 0.425779291
23 831331851431: 0.036437246963562819} | 1.0 | 0.50904141575 | 0.45399049974
24 831331851431: 0.011027980232581683} | 1.0 | 0.535826794979 | 0.481753674102
25 929156507266: 0.027856989831229011 0.15643446504023087: 0.02066616653788458 0.09410831331851431: 0.016739594895686508} | 1.0 | 0.562083377852 | 0.5090
26 13145857246: 0.08333333333333337 0.42577929156507266: 0.025020076940584089} | 1.0 | 0.587785252292 | 0.5358
27 075907812829: 0.0025974025974026035 0.5620833778521306: 0.59566175023106149} | 1.0 | 0.612907053653 | 0.5620833778
28 33778521306: 0.19639042255084313} one | 1.0 | 0.637423989749 | 0.587785252292
29 13145857246: 0.0046487548012272466 0.21814324139654254: 0.070071166027997234 0.5620833778521306: 0.087432430700408653} | 1.0 | 0.661311865324 | 0.612
30 39897486896: 0.53158336716673826 0.3090169943749474: 0.016749103661249369 0.5620833778521306: 0.027323827946545261} | 1.0 | 0.684547105929 | 0.6
How to pretty print whole csv?
PS: Similar garbage produces also following commands (inspiration here):
column -s, -t < nupic_out.csv | less -#2 -N -S
csvtool readable nupic_out.csv | less -#2 -N -S
I believe that csvlook
is treating the tab characters in that column just like any other character, and doesn't know about their special behaviour.
The easiest way to get the columns to line up is to minimally expand the tabs:
expand -t1 nupic_out.csv | csvlook