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How to loop all data in checkedlistbox?

How to loop all data in checkedlistbox in 'PROPER' way and print it on console or pop up on messagebox one by one?

I populated my clbPackages this way

// clbPackages is a checkedlistbox
SqlCommand scPackages = new SqlCommand("SELECT XXX FROM XXX", sqlConnection);
SqlDataReader readerPackages;
readerPackages = scPackages.ExecuteReader();
DataTable dtPackages = new DataTable();
dtPackages.Columns.Add("PACKAGE_GROUP_ID", typeof(string));
dtPackages.Columns.Add("PACKAGE_GROUP_NAME", typeof(string));

this.clbPackages.DataSource = dtPackages;
this.clbPackages.ValueMember = "PACKAGE_GROUP_ID";
this.clbPackages.DisplayMember = "PACKAGE_GROUP_NAME";

Now I have to loop that checkedlistbox because I am trying to check some in, my best try is this code below

foreach (var item in clbPackages.Items)

It only return, and if I try to loop again the item it will show error "foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'object' because 'object' "

answered by Bjorn

other way to deal

foreach (object item in clbPackages.Items)
    DataRowView castedItem = item as DataRowView;
    string groupId= castedItem["PACKAGE_GROUP_ID"].ToString();


  • Sounds like the objects in the Items-collection is of type DataRowView. So if you convert each item to a DataRowView and get the value from that object you should be fine:

    foreach (DataRowView item in clbPackages.Items)