I am new for Oracle Here our client provide the the exported file in .dmp file, and the .dmp file is exported in 6i oracle. Now, i am trying to import the file in oracle 10g express edition. I tried the same thing in 11g enterprise edition with impdp command, but didn't work and i found my mistake to; it can only be done via imp command. And doing same thing in oracle 10g express edition. Here i went along with following steps:
Create User(for shcema)
create user veshraj identified by veshraj //granting some priviliges grant connect, create, imp_full_database to veshraj
Imposing the imp command via CLI
imp // press enter //asks for user name and password i provide new user name and password //it provides following lines import file EXPDAT.DMP> c:\db\motor.dmp // it asks for number of bytes and i provide the maximum value List contents of import file only (yes/no): no >Y Import entire export file (yes/no): no >Y // provides following results "ALTER SESSION SET "_LOAD_WITHOUT_COMPILE" = NONE" "ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA= "ADMIN"" "ALTER PACKAGE "PACK_DC" COMPILE REUSE SETTINGS TIMESTAMP '2007-02-22:11:13:" "07'" "ALTER PACKAGE "PACK_MOTOR" COMPILE REUSE SETTINGS TIMESTAMP 2006-12-10:14:" "54:12'" "ALTER PACKAGE "PACK_NW" COMPILE REUSE SETTINGS TIMESTAMP '2006-10-16:11:55:" "48'" "ALTER TABLE "MISCH_REFUND" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK1" FOREIGN KEY ("PRIMARY_NO") " "REFERENCES "MISCH_MASTER" ("PRIMARY_NO") ENABLE " "ALTER TABLE "AD_LEAVE" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_AD_LEAVE" FOREIGN KEY ("EID") REFERENCES "AD_EMP" ("EID") ENABLE NOVALIDATE" "ALTER TABLE "INT_DET" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_INT_DET" FOREIGN KEY ("PRIMARY_NO""") REFERENCES "LAGANI" ("PRIMARY_NO") ENABLE " "ALTER TABLE "LOAN_INF" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_LOAN" FOREIGN KEY ("PRIMARY_NO") "REFERENCES "LOAN_DET" ("PRIMARY_NO") ENABLE " "ALTER TABLE "MONC_DET" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_MONC" FOREIGN KEY ("FISCAL_YEAR") REFERENCES "MONC_MASTER" ("FISCAL_YEAR") ENABLE NOVALIDATE" // and many more alter table information // final message is follows Import terminated successfully without warnings.
but problem is that i cant not see any tables(imported) somewhere in oracle 10g. What should i do for things getting done.
List contents of import file only (yes/no): no >Y
This is the equivalent of the SHOW parameter. You said yes, so the contents are listed, and no data is imported. Re-run your import but say no to that prompt.