Search code examples

Unit testing angularjs directives's event broadcast

I never had to test my angularjs directives before, also the directives I wrote for my current company is uses events to communicated directives to directives and services.

And so I wrote a directive, e.g. a search directive.

<m-search />

This directive broadcasts "searchbox-valuechanged" event and the key, now I have to write tests for it.

'use strict';

describe('<m-search>', function() {

  var rootScope;
  beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
    rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
    spyOn(rootScope, '$broadcast');

  it("should broadcast something", function() {


Update On change on the input,

<input class="m-input m-input--no-border" type="search" placeholder="Search"
       ng-model-options="{debounce: 100}"
       ng-change="ctrl.onChange({search: ctrl.searchValue})">

It calls a method in the directive's controller

vm.onChange = function (searchValue) {
  $rootScope.$broadcast('searchbox-valuechanged', {data: searchValue});

How do I test broadcasting?


  • Here's how I'd do it...

    describe('m-search directive', function() {
        var ctrl, // your directive's controller
            $rootScope; // a reference to $rootScope
        beforeEach(function() {
            // bootstrap your module
            inject(function($compile, _$rootScope_) {
                $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
                // see
                // create an instance of your directive
                var element = $compile('<m-search></m-search')($rootScope.$new());
                // get your directive's controller
                ctrl = element.controller('mSearch');
                // see
                // spy on $broadcast
                spyOn($rootScope, '$broadcast').and.callThrough();
        it('broadcasts searchbox-valuechanged on change', function() {
            var searchValue = {search: 'search string'};
                'searchbox-valuechanged', {data: searchValue});

    You'll note this doesn't rely on your directive's template at all. I don't believe template functionality is in the realm of unit testing; that's something best left to e2e testing with protractor. Unit testing is about testing the API of your components to ensure they do what they're meant to do.