I've ran into this issue a couple times and I'm wondering if anyone has a better solution than trial and error or searching stack overflow.
Lets say we are using some .net class Foo
Foo resides in the Bar.Baz namespace
The following statement
using Bar.Baz;
is not sufficient to compile the program, we are missing an assembly reference. So add a reference to System.Bar.Baz
It still doesn't work so after searching the internet I find that I actually have to add a reference to Some.Other.dll
and now it compiles.
My question is how do I know what namespace maps to what reference when the usual one doesn't work?
Most recent problem was The type or namespace name 'DbContext' could not be found Instead of adding a reference to System.Data.Entity I had to install through Nuget.
If it is a .NET framework function, you can just search it on MSDN, and it will tell you in which assembly the class/function exists.
You can also use ReSharper which is a very nice plugin to Visual Studio, and it can help you add assemblies automatically.