I want to find the index(that's in row and column) of a specific matrix in a cell array of matrices, for example if I have
A = [2 3;4 1]
B = {[2 2;1 1] [2 3;4 1] [1 1;1 1]}
then I want to return 2
(because B{2}==A
I want to solve this without for
, although I don't have to, the cell array is basically small, but I want to do it without for
I searched for this and found this and this on SO but their solution only work for strings which I don't have here.
So how to solve this without for
-loop ?
is an ordinary matrix not a single element cell array, B
is a cell array of matrices.
Some possibilities:
Use cellfun
with isequal
to test each element of B
for equality:
find(cellfun(@(x) isequal(x,A), B))
If all matrices have the same size: concatenate into a 3D array (or better yet, use a 3D array from the beginning), and use bsxfun
for the comparison:
find(all(all(bsxfun(@eq, A, cat(3, B{:})),1),2))