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NHibernate. QueryOver Take(n) - with Left.Join

Got some strange behaviour when using Take() with join. Suppose the following example:

Comment comment = null;
var persons = _repository
        .Left.JoinAlias(x => x.Comments, () => comment)
        .Where(x => x.Age > 20)

Well I'd expect that 5 persons are present in the array, and each of them has a list of N comments.

But, the result givest 5 persons, with a maximum of 5 comments.

Why is .Take(5) also restricting the number of comments?

How to achieve the desired result?


  • The point here is a difference in our need of paging and its implementation.

    • while we would expect 5 root elements to be returned,
    • the result is converted into 5 rows, 5 selected rows :

    Some clue could be found in this Q & A: NHibernate QueryOver with Fetch resulting multiple sql queries and db hits

    In case of paging with SQL Server 2012 dialect, we would see SQL like this:

    SELECT ...
    FROM root
    JOIN collection
    OFFSET 0 ROWS -- skip 0 or 10 or 20 rows
    FETCH NEXT 5 ROWS ONLY; -- take 5 rows

    So it could at the end result in returning just ONE root entity, if amount of chidren (comments) is 5+

    Solution? I would suggest to do it by:

    • select just root entity
    • use batch fetching to load children

    Selecting just root, could eve mean select also any many-to-one/Reference. This will end up in a star schema structure, which with left joins will again correctly page over the root entity.

    Batch fetching is described here in doc:

    19.1.5. Using batch fetching

    Some similar issues: