I'm extracting a file using tarfile. Unfortunately this compressed file came from a linux server, and contains several files that contain illegal Windows OS characters for files (':').
I'm using the below:
extract = tarfile.open(file)
I get the following error: IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: ... "file::ext"
So I tried passing the error with:
extract = tarfile.open(file)
except IOError:
That does work, however the extraction does not continue. It just stops with this failure.
When I extract the archive with WinRAR, the file is automatically renamed to "file__ext".
Is there a WinRAR extension to python? Or maybe a way to skip the error and continue the extraction? Or automatically rename the file like WinRAR does. I don't mind if the file will be skipped.
I saw several posts with this error, however all of them were for compressing, not extracting.
extract = tarfile.open(file)
for f in extract:
# add other unsavory characters in the brackets
f.name = re.sub(r'[:]', '_', f.name)
(Changes won't be saved to the original file b/c we're opening it in read mode by default.)