I am trying to get a space into every 4th number/digit (not character). This is what I come up with:
newStudentNumber := regexp_replace(newStudentNumber, '[[:digit:]](....)', '\1 ');
NL 2345 7894 TUE
What I actually want:
NL 1234 5678 944 TUE
My code replaces the number at every 4th place with a spacebar, instead of adding a space like the wanted result above.
Can anyone explain this to me?
Thanks in advance
You can use the following regex..
And replace with what you are doing now.. \1(space)
Why yours is not working?
Your regex matches a digit and captures next 4 characters (not only digits). So.. when you do a replace.. the digit which is matched but not captured is also replaced.. and not because it is unable to insert.
Explanation for input = NL 12345678944 TUE
and regex = [[:digit:]](....)
NL 12345678944 TUE (it will match digit "1" and captures "2345")